Members Only Login
The following pages are for members of the Pan-Clan only.
If you are having a problem logging in, check the information below.
Talk to your area rep or contact the webmaster using the Contact Us page to ask for help,
or see the important information on the change to login in the box below.
Remember, there are NO SPACES in the system generated usernames and passwords
and they are all lower case.
You will be automatically logged out after 20 minutes of inactivity.
How to login
Your Username is made up of the first 4 characters of your surname (in lowercase) immediately followed by your membership number (no spaces). The password is initially set to the same as your username. Once logged in you can change your password. You will also be able to view the information we have on you.
If you have less than 4 characters in your name, the additional characters to make it up to 4 will be x.
A couple of examples: Jim Black, membership number 123 would be blac123 for username and password. Fred Tom, member 2345 is tomx2345.
If you have a Partner registered, their username and password will be made up the same way, but with a P added to distinguish their login from yours if you share the same surname. For example, Sarah Black will be blac123P; Gill Ho (partner of Fred Tom) will be hoxx2345P.